(b. 1986, Pakistan), lives and works in Lahore. She completed her BFA from National College of Arts, Lahore (2007), she completed her MA from Beaconhouse National University, Lahore. Mangi’s miniature based works involve drawing, painting, collage, needle work, embroidery and most intriguingly human hair. Her art practice is notable for the high level of intricate work, which involves cross-stitch. Mangi, belonging to the ancient culture of Sind, being affected by it, has depicted many facets of her culture in her works like Black Magic and domestic violence. Mangi has taken part in various Solo and Group shows around the globe. Her works are part of important private collections across three continents.
Artist Statement
Inherited from my grandmother, I have a habit of unconsciously collecting fallen hair, in order to prevent “Black magic” (a supernatural evil power which is often practiced on human hair). In the final year at my collage, I was losing a lot of hair due to some stressful circumstances. During that period I became detached from my surroundings. In order to counter my depression I started meditating, which helped me, discover myself. The mediations further recalled my childhood memories, and once again I started practicing “Cross-stitch”, a form of counted thread embroidery that I had learned when I was twelve years old and immensely enjoyed practicing.

Artist Statement
Inherited from my grandmother, I have a habit of unconsciously collecting fallen hair, in order to prevent “Black magic” (a supernatural evil power which is often practiced on human hair). In the final year at my collage, I was losing a lot of hair due to some stressful circumstances. During that period I became detached from my surroundings. In order to counter my depression I started meditating, which helped me, discover myself. The mediations further recalled my childhood memories, and once again I started practicing “Cross-stitch”, a form of counted thread embroidery that I had learned when I was twelve years old and immensely enjoyed practicing.